Application #: 3600058792
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Our Commitment to Diversity in the Workplace

Praetorian USA and all of it's subsequent entities strongly support the concept of equal employment opportunity in the employment
Praetorian Management has developed an EEO Plan to outline its commitment to equal employment opportunity and diversity. The District includes a copy of the state EEO regulations that address equal employment opportunity in its Plan to verify its
commitments and to make the basic state requirements readily available to all.

Click here to download a PDF of our EEO policy.

Praetorian USA, Commitment to Diversity

Introduction - Message from the Founders

As a mixed race couple, Mark Solum and Kathy Alvarez Kingman founded this company with the knowledge that there is no excellence without diversity. Praetorian USA’s Strategic Plan highlights diversity as one of our core values, and we will serve our diverse communities as one of our eight goals. Embracing diversity means valuing the talents, energies, creativity and challenges that come with a diverse workforce.

One official purpose of an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan is to outline our legal obligation. Even more important, this plan represents our moral responsibility to employ a quality and qualified diverse workforce. As of the time this letter is being written, Praetorian USA can boast of a workforce that is nearly 50 percent women- including a management team that is 60 women, nearly 30 percent of our workforce contains people of color, and an undisclosed, but present number of members of the LGBTQ+ community.

When speaking of diversity, who among us can claim complete freedom from preconceptions, resistance and judgments of others? These are often based on old and unconscious teachings. Yet as an company that presents authority over others, we believe strongly in the possibility of learning and of active change. The commitment we each take to examine ourselves will form the solid foundation for moving Praetorian USA forward. We will continue to build a significantly vibrant and diverse workforce.

With the pandemic in its death throws, we have a unique opportunity to attract, hire and retain a new workforce. We are committed to providing the professional development opportunities, training in cultural competencies, and more that will help us work on our own biases and prejudices as a community.

The plan’s immediate focus is equal employment opportunity in our recruitment and hiring policies and practices pursuant to the law, as well as the steps Human Resources will take when we find underrepresented groups. It also contains complaint procedures, and an anonymous reporting portal on the Praetorian USA website.

We urge you to read this important document and take it to heart. As we all embrace and celebrate our differences, we will see that we are creating meaningful, positive changes in our work and in our lives.




Mark Solum and Kathy Alvarez Kingman

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