Application #: 3600058792
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I have to be a Licensed Security Guard to get a job?
    You do not have to have a Security Guard Card issued by the BSIS to work for Praetorian. You will not be hired or work shifts as a Guard. You will be placed in roles at events that do not require a guard to fill the post and you will not be allowed to identify yourself or act as "Security". Once you become employed you may want to consider obtaining your guard cars so you have more opportunities to work.
  • What is the difference between a "Security Guard" and "Event Staff"?"
    A person with the designation "Event Staff" is a person who can be hired to fill positions that a licensed guard is not required to be in. These positions are not plentiful and it is highly encouraged that you begin the process to obtain a guard card once hired if you want a bump in pay and more hours. A Security Guard has gone through the process of obtaining a License through the California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS). This means they have: 1. Attended and passed the Powers of Arrest/WMD/Terrorist Awareness class. 2. Submited an application to the BSIS. 3. Had a background checked through LiveScan fingerprinting service. Once you have completed these steps, and the BSIS has issued you your Guard Card, you need to take another 16 hours of classes within 30 days, and another 16 hours within 6 months. Praetorian Protective Services can provide all the education you need to obtain, maintain, and excel as a Security Guard.
  • How do I become a shift supervisor or manager?
    All our Security Managers and Supervisors have and maintain a guard card and have shadowed a senior member before they are allowed to run a shift. Speak to Randi in HR or discuss your aspirations with your immediate managers.
  • What do the Team Designations in Shiftboard mean?
    All members of Praetorian USA start out in the Omega Team. Licensed guards are also placed in the Delta Team. This allows us to send messages to the entire team, or just licensed security guards, when required. When you are assigned a job at a particluar location or venue, and you perform well there, you will be added to that specific team, as well.
  • What are the Benefits that Praetorian Offers it's employees?
    For full time (30+ hours per week over an average of 6 months), you can receive company co-sponsored Health Insurance, Dental Insurance, a 401k, and sick leave.
  • How do I access my 401k?
    When you sign up, you will receive an email that will detail out the web address, user name, and password for the 401k. it is contained in your payroll account with ADP. For any additional questions, reach out directly to Randi Rembe.
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